1 September, 2016
Carrot juice

A healthy thirst quencher which is easy & quick to make. I have made this many times earlier also… but never took the pics and posted in my blog.
Now market is full of big, fresh carrots, so I was tempted to make it again immediately, took the pics to post it here on my blog. This juice is made by grinding the carrot, so I use that left over (strained) carrot paste while making saaru (rasam) Or any vegetable huli (sambar) or you can also make carrot Kesari …..
I always Grind the carrots with little water first, strain it & then add some more water… so adjust the water proportion according to the need. Here is the recipe….
Ingredients :
- Carrot – 4 big (I got 1&1/4 glass of juice and added 3/4th glass of water)
- Lemon – 1/2 to 1 tsp ( adjust )
- Honey – 2 tsp (adjust) (my carrots were considerably sweet , so 2 tsp was enough)
- Pepper Powder – 2 pinches
- Salt – 1 pinch
- Water – as needed
- Wash and chop/grate the carrot, so that it becomes easy to grind finely (I did not peel the skin, if you want can peel the skin also)
- Grind/blend the chopped carrot using water
- Pass the ground/blended carrot through a strainer & transfer it into the glass
- Now add honey, pepper powder & salt to it … stir well
- Add lemon juice just before you serve
- I used refrigerated carrots, if not ice cubes can be added

However you can click and check the recipe of carrot Kesari here