Posted in : SALAD| PALYA| SOOKHA SUBJI| USLI on by : Divya Suresh

This one is absolutely navaratri special recipe, which is very famous here in north India. On the day of ashtami (8th day of navaratri), they perform Kanjak Pujan or Kanya pooja and without fail they make brown chickpeas dry salad/Kala chana, semolina halwa/sheera/sajjige and Poori and distribute among young girls. And I learnt the recipe of Kala chana long ago, from one of my neighbor.

But in our custom we never make poori on the day of any good functions or festivals broadly on any good days, but it is supposed to be made on shraddha day or during Paksha masa. Rather we make bele hooranada kadubu (lentil-jaggery sweet stuffed gujiya) on the day of ashtami during navaratri.

So I make it on any other regular day for breakfast. It is a simple and easy recipe if you have cooked/boiled chana in store. It takes few minutes to get it done, but tastes absolutely yummy. Its just that we need to put right amount & combination of spices.

Ingredients :

  • Brown chickpeas/chana/kadalekalu – 1/2 cup (it gets doubled when soaked)
  • Ghee – 2 tsp (adjust)
  • Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  • Black pepper powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Anar (pomegranate seeds) powder – 1 tsp
  • Kasoori methi – 1/2 tbsp
  • Coriander leaves – 2 tbsp
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp or as per taste

Others :

  • Coriander seeds powder – 1&1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Red chili flakes- 1 tsp
  • Garam masala powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Water – 1/4 cup


  • Soak the chickpeas for overnight in enough water, pressure cook until soft, drain all the stock/water (I use it for making saaru/rasam)
  • To begin with gather everything listed below the heading “others” in a cup, mix well and set it aside
  • Heat ghee in a pan, add in cumin seeds and when they splutter and in stirred masala mixture and saute for 2 minutes, then add in black pepper powder, anar powder, kasoori methi and stir well
  • Now add in cooked chana and 1/4 tsp salt, reduce the heat, cover and cook until it turns dry (approximately 5 to 6 minutes)
  • sprinkle coriander leaves, stir and remove from the heat
  • Serve along with Halwa and Poori

Please find below the recipe for Poori, just skip adding carrot puree

Please find below the recipe for halwa