19 December, 2017
HOME MADE GHEE….how to make ghee at home from scratch/ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲೇ ಬೆಣ್ಣೆ ಮತ್ತು ತುಪ್ಪ ಮಾಡುವ ವಿಧಾನ

Wow….. home made ghee !! sounds great ! I don’t remember eating store bought ghee at all.. rather it was/is always home made since my birth or may be even before my birth !
So this time when I made ghee I took all the step wise procedure pics to post it on my blog. Home made ghee is always the best, it smells best, tastes best, the best quality wise, you can store it for long time etc etc …everything is just best about it !
I normally buy cow’s milk (raw) and when I boil it I get fair amount of thick cream/malai, so I collect it and store it in the refrigerator. I collect the cream for almost 20 to 25 days, then I put it in the blender in batches along with cold/room temperature (not chilled) water, (the trick here is the cream should be well refrigerated ie… cold enough and the water also should be at room temperature) run the blender at the lowest speed for about 5 to 6 minutes with regular intervals, the butter and buttermilk gets separated by that time, mean while I keep the kadai/banale ready with some amount of water (room temperature) filled in it, and a big container with a big strainer (you can check in the pic below), once the butter has risen to the top, I transfer the butter in the mixie jar to the strainer on the container, so all the buttermilk gets collected in the container and the butter remains on the top (strainer), then I transfer the butter in the strainer to the kadai with water,
Once I get all the butter, I discard the water from the kadai and now to make the ghee I keep the kadai on high heat first till all the butter melts while stirring in between, then immediately turn the heat to medium low and allow it to boil until the solids separate and a clear liquid remains with honey like color.
This process takes time and also depends on the quantity of butter. Then allow it to come to room temperature, and then strain and store in an air tight container, when you close the lid the ghee should not be even warm, it should get cooled completely. And I always follow exactly this method only to make butter/ghee.
How to make butter and ghee :
- Put some amount of collected/stored/refrigerated cream into a mixie jar and add some water

- Run the blender at the lowest speed till you can see the butter being rises to the top (add some water in between if needed)

- Transfer the butter in the jar to the strainer and repeat the process with the remaining cream as well

- Now put the butter in the strainer to the kadai/banale with water and do like this till you collect all the butter from cream

- Now discard the water in the kadai/banale, and put it on the heat on high flame (keep watching)

- Once the butter melts fully, turn the heat to slow or little more and allow it to boil, but do not forget to stir in between

- Keep stirring from the bottom, now you can see the solids getting separated
- Continue boiling and stirring, till the solids at the bottom turns to light brown color, and at the same time you can see the honey colored ghee on the surface of the kadai/banale

- Turn off the heat and allow the mixture in the kadai/banale to get cooled

- Then strain the ghee to a container, when it is fully cooled down, then only close the lid

- Fresh, aromatic home made ghee is ready to use